The Unified
enterprise mobility solutions
A single supplier to manage your voice and data network
Converged LAN Services from Armstrong Communication Systems Inc. enable you to combine all communications across a single infrastructure. We deliver a full range of services, including voice and data hardware installation, maintenance and network management. We can provide Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs) and IP telephony, supported by several service options - creating a package tailored to your needs. Reduce costs with converged communications.
Norstar Part Numbers
A0336844Handset Cord 2.0m (6.5 Ft.)  
A0336846Handset Cord 2.0m (6.5') 
A0355223Line Cord, for Key Lamp Module, 18" 
A04030926X16 Software Cartridge 
A0601151Power Supply Cord 
A0656650FX Enable Diskette 
A0656651FX Disable Diskette 
A0667148RS-232 Cable 
A0678121Power Supply for the FastRAD (9 Volt Transformer) 
A0686758Boot Diskette 
A0792036Handset Cord (2.7M Long) - Platinum 
A0792037Handset Cord (2.7M Long) - Charcoal 
A0849043Business Series Terminal Interactive CD 
A0855589Handset Cord (3.7 Meter) - Platinum 
A0855591Handset Cord (3.7 Meter) - Charcoal 
IKC000023x8 Installation Kit 
NT0C09EL-03Handset, Black 
NT0C09EL-35Handset, Ash 
NT0C09EL-93Handset, Gray 
NT0C09NL-03Noisy Location Handset, Black 
NT0C09NL-35Noisy Location Handset, Ash 
NT0C09NL-93Noisy Location Handset, Gray 
NT1F04GA66Shoulder Rest, Platinum 
NT1F04GA70Shoulder Rest, Charcoal 
NT5B01DE6x16 Key Service Unit DR5 With Disconnect Supervision 
NT5B01DE-936x16 Key Service Unit DR5 With Disconnect Supervision 
NT5B01DK-936X16 KSU 
NT5B01DL-936X16 KSU 
NT5B01FC-936X16 KSU 
NT5B05CN-933x8 DR5.1 KSU Class/CMS, English/French 
NT5B05CP-933x8 DR5.1 110/220V KSU Class/CMS, English 
NT5B05CQ-933x8 DR5.1 110/220V KSU Class/CMS, French 
NT5B05DA3x8 KSU 
NT5B05DCStarTalk Flash 2 
NT5B05DC-93StarTalk Flash 2 US/English 
NT5B05DH3x8 DR1 Key Service Unit 
NT5B05DJ3x8 DR5 Key Service Unit 
NT5B05DL-933X8 KSU 
NT5B05DN-933X8 KSU 
NT5B05DR-933x8 DR5.1 110/220 V Key Service Unit - Eng Docs 
NT5B05DU-93Power Supply for 3x8 and StarTalk Mini 
NT5B06AABAFlash ACD, 2 Channel, 110 Volt, Canadian English 
NT5B06AABBFlash ACD, 4 Channel, 110 Volt, Canadian English 
NT5B06AABEFlash ACD, 2 Channel, 110 Volt, Canadian French 
NT5B06AABGFlash ACD, 4 Channel, 110 Volt, Canadian French 
NT5B06AABUFlash ACD MIS Reporting Package, Trilingual 
NT5B06AABVBundled, Flash ACD/Voice Mail Upgrade and MIS Reporting Package, English, French 
NT5B06AABWBundled, Flash ACD/Voice Mail Upgrade and MIS Reporting, US English, Spanish 
NT5B06AABXBundled, Flash ACD Upgrade and MIS Reporting Package, English, French 
NT5B06AABYBundled, Flash ACD Upgrade and MIS Reporting Package, US English, Spanish 
NT5B06DAStarTalk Mini 
NT5B06DA-93StarTalk Mini 
NT5B06DCStarTalk Flash 2 US/English 
NT5B06DDStarTalk Flash 4 US/English 
NT5B06DD-93StarTalk Flash 4 US/English 
NT5B06DGStarTalk Mini 
NT5B06DG-93StarTalk Mini 
NT5B06DJ-93StarTalk Flash 2 United States/English/Spanish 
NT5B06DK-93StarTalk Flash 220V Model 4 United States/English/Spanish 
NT5B06DLStarTalk Flash 2 
NT5B06DMStarTalk Flash 4 
NT5B06DN220V US English Model 2 
NT5B06DP220V US English Model 4 
NT5B06EB-93Norstar Flash Voice Mail US English Model 2 
NT5B06EE-93Flash Voice Mail US English Model 4 
NT5B06EH-93StarTalk Flash 2 US/English 
NT5B06EL-93StarTalk Flash 220V Model 4 US/English 
NT5B07AAAGFlash Voice Mail US English Model 2 
NT5B07AAAHFlash Voice Mail US English Model 4 
NT5B07AABCFlash Voice Mail 2.0 Canadian Model 2, English 
NT5B07AABDFlash Voice Mail 2.0 Canadian Model 4, English 
NT5B07AABEFlash Voice Mail 2.0 US English Model 2 
NT5B07AABFFlash Voice Mail 2.0 US English Model 4 
NT5B07AABGFlash Voice Mail 2.0 Canadian Model 2, French 
NT5B07AABHFlash Voice Mail 2.0 Canadian Model 4, French 
NT5B07AABJ220V Norstar Flash Voice Mail 2.0 Canadian Model 2, English 
NT5B07AABK220V Norstar Flash Voice Mail 2.0 Canadian Model 4, English 
NT5B10DA-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B10DB-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B10DC-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B10DD-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B10DE-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B10DF-93Compact DR5 Cartridge 
NT5B10DG-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B11DA-934X8 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DB-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DC6X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DC-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DE-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DF-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DG-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DJ6X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DJ-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B13DK-936x16 DR5.1 Software Cartridge for Disconnect Supervision KSUs (Norstar Manager 2.0 Compatible) 
NT5B13DL-936x16 DR5.1 for Non-Disconnect Supervision KSUs Software Cartridge and English Documentation 
NT5B13EE-936x16 DR5.1 for Non-Disconnect Supervision KSUs Software Cartridge and Spanish Documentation 
NT5B20DB8x24 KSU 
NT5B24DA-938x24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B24DB-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B24DC-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B24DF-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B24DH-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DB-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DC-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DD8X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DD-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DE-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DF8X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DF-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DG8X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DG-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DH8X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DH-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B25DK-93Modular DR5.1 English/Spanish Cartridge with English Documentation 
NT5B26GA-932-Port Copper Expansion Cartridge 
NT5B27GA-936-Port Copper Expansion Cartridge 
NT5B29DC8X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B30DA-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B30DB-93Centrex+ Software Package 
NT5B30DC8X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B30DC-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B30DD-938X24 Software Cartridge 
NT5B30DE-93Modular Centrex Software Cartridge 
NT5B31AAAAFlash Voice Mail Light, Canadian English 
NT5B31AAAEFlash Voice Mail Light, Canadian French 
NT5B32FA-93Copper Trunk Module 
NT5B35AACentral Office Trunk Cartridge 
NT5B35GACentral Office Trunk Cartridge 
NT5B37GA-93DID Trunk Cartridge 
NT5B38GA-93E&M/DISA Trunk Cartridge 
NT5B39GA-931A2 Disconnect Supervision Trunk Cartridge 
NT5B40GATrunk Cartridge 
NT5B41GACaller Identification Trunk Cartridge 
NT5B41GA-93Caller Identification Trunk Cartridge 
NT5B41GB-93Call ID Trunk Cartridge 
NT5B49FA-93Modular 8x24 RAM Cartridge 
NT5B50AA-93Station Module 
NT5B50FA-93Copper Station Module 
NT5B56AAPower Bar, 6 Outlets 
NT5B65AAPCI "B" Card 
NT5B68DETAPI Service Provider (TSP) 1.2 
NT5B74AA-93Voice Mail Model 2 
NT5B74AABMVoice Mail Release 4.0 - Model 2 
NT5B74AACHACD and Voice Mail 2.0, 4 Channel, 110 Volt, Canadian English 
NT5B74AACJACD and Voice Mail 2.0, 4 Channel, 110 Volt Canadian French 
NT5B74AADBVoice Mail 4.1 Model 2 û English 
NT5B74AADCNVM 4.1 Primary Hard Drive 
NT5B74AB-93Voice Mail Model 2 
NT5B74AHVoice Mail Release 1 Model 2 
NT5B74AJ-93Voice Mail Release 1.1 Model 2 
NT5B74AK-93Voice Mail Model 2 - Release 2.0 
NT5B74AK-93Voice Mail Model 2 - Release 2.0 
NT5B74AL-93Voice Mail Model 2 - Release 2.1 
NT5B75AA-93Voice Mail Model 4 
NT5B75AHVoice Mail Release 1 Model 4 
NT5B75AJ-93Voice Mail Release 1.1 Model 4 
NT5B75AK-93Norstar Voice Mail Model 4 - Release 2.0 
NT5B75AP-93Voice Mail Model 4 - Release 2.1 
NT5B76AA-93Voice Mail Model 6 
NT5B76AB-93Voice Mail Model 6 
NT5B76AC-93Voice Mail Model 6 
NT5B76AD-93Voice Mail Model 6 
NT5B76AHVoice Mail Release 1 Model 6 
NT5B76AJ-93Voice Mail Release 1.1 Model 6 
NT5B76AK-93Voice Mail Model 6 - Release 2.0 
NT5B76AL-93Voice Mail Model 6 - Release 2.1 
NT5B76AL-93Voice Mail Model 6 - Release 2.1 
NT5B77AA-93Voice Mail Model 8 
NT5B77AD-93Voice Mail Model 8 
NT5B77AHVoice Mail Release 1 Model 8 
NT5B77AJ-93Voice Mail Release 1.1 Model 8 
NT5B77AK-93Voice Mail Model 8 - Release 2.0 
NT5B78XNFlash VM Feature Cartridge 
NT5B78XQFlash ACD Feature Cartridge 
NT5B79AAAANorstar Applications Module - Stand Alone 
NT5B79AAABApplications Module - Stand Alone 
NT5B79AAADApplications Module - Stand Alone 
NT5B80FB-938X24 KSU 
NT5B82AABVCallPilot 150 English/Spanish Expanded Version 
NT5B82AABWCallPilot 150 English/French Expanded version 
NT5B82AABXCallPilot 150 English/Spanish Standard Version 
NT5B82AABYCallPilot 150 English/French Standard Version 
NT5B82CBCallPilot 150 Eng/Fre Feature Cartridge 
NT5B82CCCallPilot 150 Eng/Spa Feature Cartridge 
NT5B82CDCallPilot 100 Eng/Fre Feature Cartridge 
NT5B82CECallPilot 100 Eng/Spa Feature Cartridge 
NT5B90FA-93220V Station Module 
NT5D10DA-936X16 Software Cartridge 
NT6B9539StarTalk Floppy Loader w/Bracket 
NT6B9551M7324 Global Stand Assembly - Black 
NT6B9553M7324 Global Stand Assembly - Ash 
NT6B9555Wall Mount Kit, Gray, M7324 
NT6B9589110 Minute Programmed Hard Card 
NT6B9590165 Minute Programmed Hard Card 
NT6B9591385 Minute Programmed Hard Drive 
NT6B96402 Channel Line Card without Interface Processor 
NT6B96414 Channel Line Card without Interface Processor 
NT6B9694Custom Call Routing 
NT6B97592 Port Line Card with Interface Processor 
NT6B9763StarTalk SCSI Disk Controller 
NT6B9765StarTalk Power Supply 
NT6B9766Software Floppy Loader with Case 
NT6B9767StarTalk Floppy Disk Drive (Model 550) 
NT6B9805Speed Dial Kit 
NT7B53FA-93Norstar Modular ICS 
NT7B56FB-93OX16 Spectra KSU 
NT7B58AA-93Norstar Compact ICS Equipped with LS/DS Analog Trunk Cartridge 
NT7B58AB-93Compact ICS Equipped with Caller Identification Trunk Cartridge 
NT7B58AC-93Compact ICS Equipped with 2 Port U Interface BRI Cartridge 
NT7B58AD-93Compact ICS Equipped with 4 Port U Interface BRI Cartridge 
NT7B64YJCDA-MICS XC 5.0 Feature Cartridge 
NT7B64YKUSA MICS XC 5.0 ROM Software Cartridge 
NT7B64YLMICS 5.0 ROM Software 
NT7B65AABTCICS-Restricted with AA Prompts 6.1 S/W & Docs - English 
NT7B65AABUCICS-Restricted with AA Prompts 6.1 S/W & Docs - French 
NT7B65AABVCICS-RP 6.1 S/W & Docs - Spanish 
NT7B65AABWCICS-Restricted with IRAD Enables and AA Prompts 6.1 S/W & Docs - English 
NT7B65AABXCICS-Restricted with IRAD Enables and AA Prompts 6.1 S/W & Docs - French 
NT7B65AABYCICS-Standard with AA Prompts 6.1 S/W & Docs - English 
NT7B65AACACICS-Standard with AA Prompts 6.1 S/W & Docs - French 
NT7B65AACBCICS-SP 6.1 S/W & Docs - Spanish 
NT7B65AACCCICS-Standard with IRAD Enabled and AA Prompts 6.1 S/W & Docs - English 
NT7B65AACDCICS-Standard with IRAD Enabled and AA Prompts 6.1 S/W & Docs - French 
NT7B69AAAAGlobal Analog Trunk Cartridge - LS/DS 
NT7B73FA-930X32 Release 1 - Centrex+ S/W Cartridge PCP 
NT7B74AAAADigital Truck Interface Card 
NT7B74GA-93Digital Trunk Interface 
NT7B75AAACGlobal Analog Trunk Cartridge - CLID 
NT7B75AAAEGlobal Analog Trunk Cartridge - CLID 
NT7B75GALS/DS Analog Trunk Cartridge 
NT7B75GA-93LS/DS Analog Trunk Cartridge, English/French 
NT7B75GB-93LSI/DS Analog Trunk Cartridge 
NT7B76AA-934 Port S/T Interface BRI Cartridge 
NT7B83AAAJMICS 4.1 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AAAKUSA MICS XC 4.1 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AAARMICS 4.1 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AAATUSA MICS XC 4.1 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AAAUCanadian-MICS XC 5.0 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AAAVMICS 5.0 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AAAWUSA MICS XC 5.0 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83ACMICS Software Cartridge 
NT7B83AC-93MICS Software Cartridge 
NT7B83AE-93NA-MICS-DR 1.1 Software and English Documents 
NT7B83AJ-93USA MICS XC 2.0 Software Feature Cartridge (English Documentation Kit) 
NT7B83AL-93NA MICS 2.0 Software Feature Cartridge (English Documentation Kit) 
NT7B83AN-93USA MICS XC 3.0 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AQ-93NA MICS 3.0 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AR-93USA MICS XC 4.0 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83AT-93NA MICS 4.0 Software with English Documentation 
NT7B83BAAECanadian-MICS XC 5.0 Software with French Documentation 
NT7B83BAAFModular ICS 5.0 Software Feature Cartridge with French Documentation 
NT7B83DAAAMICS 4.1 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B83DAABUSA MICS XC 4.1 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B83DAAKMICS 4.1 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B83DAALUSA MICS XC 4.1 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B83DAAPMICS 5.0 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B83DAAQUSA MICS XC 5.0 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B83DD-93USA MICS XC 2.0 Software Feature Cartridge (Spanish Documentation Kit) 
NT7B83DE-93NA-MICS 2.0 Software Feature Cartridge (Spanish Documentation Kit) 
NT7B83DF-93NA-MICS 3.0 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B83DG-93USA MICS XC 3.0 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B83DJ-93NA-MICS 4.0 Software with Spanish Documentation 
NT7B84AB-93Modular ICS Release 1/Centrex Software 
NT7B84BB-93Release 1- Centrex + Software, French 
NT7B84DB-93Modular ICS Release 1/Centrex Software (Trilingual w/Spanish Documents) 
NT7B86GA-932 Port U Interface BRI Cartridge 
NT7B87GA-934 Port U Interface BRI Trunk Cartridge 
NT8B14AA03M7100 Telephone set Black 
NT8B14AA23M7100 Telephone setRed 
NT8B14AA35M7100 Telephone setAsh 
NT8B14AA-93M7100 Telephone setGray 
NT8B14AD-03M7100 Set, Black 
NT8B14AD-35M7100 Set, Ash 
NT8B14AD-93M7100 Set, Gray 
NT8B14BB-03M7100 Telephone Set, French 
NT8B14BB-35M7100 Telephone Set, Ash, French 
NT8B14BB-93M7100 Telephone Set, Dolphin Grey, French 
NT8B16AA-03M7410 Cordless Telephone, Black 
NT8B16AA-35M7410 Cordless Telephone, Ash 
NT8B16AA-93M7410 Cordless Telephone, Dolphin Gray 
NT8B16EA-03M7410 Cordless Telephone, Black, Spanish 
NT8B16EA-35M7410 Cordless Telephone, Ash, Spanish 
NT8B16EA-93M7410 Cordless Telephone, Dolphin Gray, Spanish 
NT8B20AA-03M7310 Telset Black 
NT8B20AA-23M7310 Telset Red 
NT8B20AA-35M7310 Telset Ash 
NT8B20AA-93M7310 Telset Gray 
NT8B20AB-03M7310 Feature Set Black 
NT8B20AB-35M7310 Feature Set Ash 
NT8B20AB-93M7310 Feature Set Gray 
NT8B20AC-03M7310 Telset Blk 
NT8B20AC-35M7310 Telset Ash 
NT8B20AC-93M7310 Telset Gray 
NT8B20AEM7310 Feature Set Black 
NT8B20AE-03M7310 Feature Set Black 
NT8B20AE-35M7310 Feature Set Ash 
NT8B20AE-93M7310 Feature Set Gray 
NT8B20AF-03M7310 Feature Set, Black 
NT8B20AF-35M7310 Feature Set, Ash 
NT8B20AF-93M7310 Feature Set, Gray 
NT8B20BB-03M7310 Telephone Set, Black, French 
NT8B20BB-35M7310 Telephone Set, Ash, French 
NT8B20BB-93M7310 Telephone Set, Dolphin Grey, French 
NT8B25AABANorstar T7100 Telephone Set - Charcoal 
NT8B25AABBT7100 Telephone Set - Platinum 
NT8B25AABLT7100 Telephone Set - Charcoal (with Feature Plate) 
NT8B25AABMT7100 Telephone Set - Platinum (with Feature Plate) 
NT8B26AABANorstar T7208 Telephone Set - Charcoal 
NT8B26AABBT7208 Telephone Set - Platinum 
NT8B26AABLT7208 Telephone Set - Charcoal (with Feature Plate) 
NT8B26AABMT7208 Telephone Set - Platinum (with Feature Plate) 
NT8B27AABANorstar T7316 Telephone Set - Charcoal 
NT8B27AAAAT7316 Telephone Set - Charcoal 
NT8B27AABBT7316 Telephone Set - Platinum 
NT8B27JAAANorstar T7316E Telephone Set - Charcoal (with Feature Plate) 
NT8B27JAABT7316E Telephone Set - Platinum (with Feature Plate) 
NT8B29AAAABusiness Series Terminal Key Indicator Module T24 Charcoal 
NT8B29AAABBusiness Series Terminal Key Indicator Module T24 Platinum 
NT8B30AA-03M7208 Telset Black 
NT8B30AA-23M7208 Telset Red 
NT8B30AA-35M7208 Telset Ash 
NT8B30AA-93M7208 Telset Gray 
NT8B30AB-03M7208 Square Set Black 
NT8B30AB-35M7208 Square Set Ash 
NT8B30AB-93M7208 Square Set Gray 
NT8B30AD-03M7208 Square Set Black 
NT8B30AD-23M7208 Telset Red 
NT8B30AD-35M7208 Square Set Ash 
NT8B30AD-93M7208 Square Set Gray 
NT8B30AE-03M7208 Square Set, Black 
NT8B30AE-35M7208 Square Set, Ash 
NT8B30AE-93M7208 Square Set, Gray 
NT8B30BB-03M7208 Telephone Set, Black, French 
NT8B30BB-35M7208 Telephone Set, Ash, French 
NT8B30BB-93M7208 Telephone Set, Dolphin Grey, French 
NT8B40AA-03M7324 Teleset Black 
NT8B40AA-23M7324 Telset Red 
NT8B40AA-35M7324 Telset Ash 
NT8B40AA-93M7324 Telset Gray 
NT8B40AB-35M7324 Expanded Set Ash 
NT8B40AB-93M7324 Expanded Set Gray 
NT8B40AB-03M7324 Expanded Set Black 
NT8B40AB-23M7324 Telset Red 
NT8B40AE-03M7324 Telephone Set,  Black 
NT8B40AE-35M7324 Telephone Set, Ash 
NT8B40AE-93M7324 Telephone Set, Gray 
NT8B40BB-03M7324 Telephone Set, Black, French 
NT8B40BB-35M7324 Telephone Set, Ash, French 
NT8B40BB-93M7324 Telephone Set, Dolphin Grey, French 
NT8B41FA-03M7324 Centralized Answering Position - Black 
NT8B41FA-35M7324 Centralized Answering Position - Ash 
NT8B41FA-93M7324 Centralized Answering Position - Gray 
NT8B42AC-03M7324 Telephone Set - Black (Eng Docs) 
NT8B42AC-35M7324 Telephone Set - Ash (Eng Docs) 
NT8B42AC-93M7324 Telephone Set - Gray (Eng Docs) 
NT8B45AAAAT7406 cordless w/Wall Base - Trilingual 
NT8B45AAABT7406 cordless - Trilingual 
NT8B45AAACT7406 Wallbase 
NT8B51AA-93DCI Desktop Model 
NT8B53AA-03DCI Base Model, M7310, Black 
NT8B53AA-35DCI Base Model, M7310, Ash 
NT8B53AA-93DCI Base Model, M7310, Gray 
NT8B60CA-35Station Auxiliary Power Supply 
NT8B70CCStarTalk A 
NT8B70CC-93StarTalk A 
NT8B70CDStarTalk A 
NT8B70CJ-93StarTalk Model 110 2 Channel/110 Min 
NT8B70CNStarTalk A 
NT8B70CN-93StarTalk A 
NT8B70CPStarTalk Model 110, Software 2.0.4, Modular ICS Compatible 
NT8B70DBStarTalk Model A 
NT8B70DC-93StarTalk A 
NT8B70DHStarTalk Model B 
NT8B70DJ-93StarTalk B 
NT8B70DKStarTalk B 
NT8B70DL-93StarTalk Model 330 4 Channel/330 Min 
NT8B70DNStarTalk B 
NT8B70DN-93StarTalk B 
NT8B70DP-93StarTalk B 
NT8B70DQStarTalk Model 330, Software 2.0.4, Modular ICS Compatible 
NT8B70DT-93StarTalk B 
NT8B71AAMPS250 Uninterruptible Power Supply 
NT8B72ABStarTalk A 
NT8B72ACStarTalk A 
NT8B72AHStarTalk B 
NT8B72AJStarTalk B 
NT8B75ABStarTalk C 
NT8B75ACStarTalk Model C 
NT8B75ADStarTalk C 
NT8B75AD-93StarTalk C 
NT8B75AEStarTalk C 
NT8B75AF-93StarTalk Model 550 4 Channel/550 Min 
NT8B75AG-93StarTalk Model 550 4 Channel/550 Min 
NT8B75AHStartalk C 
NT8B75AH-93Startalk C 
NT8B75AJStarTalk Model 550, Software 2.0.4, Modular ICS Compatible 
NT8B79FADoorphone w/Stainless Steel Faceplate 
NT8B79FBDoorphone Opening Controller 
NT8B80AANorstar Remote Access System 
NT8B80AAABFast Remote Access Device (FastRAD) 
NT8B80AAACFast Remote Access Device (FASTRAD II), English/French 
NT8B80ANRemote Access Device (RAD) 
NT8B80DJStarTalk B 
NT8B81ABNorstar Manager PC Software 
NT8B81AS-93Norstar Remote Utilities 2 (English) 
NT8B81AS-93Norstar Remote Utilities 2 (English) 
NT8B83AAACComputer Telephony Adapter 100 (CTA 100) 
NT8B83AAAFComputer Telephony Adapter 150i (CTA 150i) 
NT8B83DB-93Computer Telephony Adapter 160i (CTA 160i) 
NT8B83FA-93Computer Telephony Adapter 100 
NT8B84FA-93Computer Telephony Adapter 200 (CTA 200) 
NT8B85AAAAComputer Telephony Adapter 500 Digital Modem (CTA 500dm) 
NT8B88FA-93Call ID Interface (CII) 6 Port DR5 
NT8B88FB-93Call ID Interface 8 Port - Includes Trilingual Installer Guide 
NT8B89DA-93Voice Mail Interface (VMI) 
NT8B90ACEnhanced Analog Terminal Adapter 
NT8B90AC-93Enhanced Analog Terminal Adapter 
NT8B90AC93Enhanced Analog Terminal Adapter 
NT8B90AL-93Analog Terminal Adapter 2 
NT8B90BC-93Analog Terminal Adapter-2, French 
NT8B90BD-93NA ATA II English/French 220V 
NT8B90DB-93220V ATA 
NT8B90DC-93Enhanced ATA 
NT8B90DE-93NA ATA II English/Spanish 110V 
NT8B91AA-03Busy Lamp Field Black 
NT8B91AA-35Busy Lamp Field 
NT8B91CA-03Busy Lamp Field, Black 
NT8B91CA-35Busy Lamp Field, Ash 
NT8B91CA-93Busy Lamp Field, Gray 
NT8B95AASMDR (Version1) 
NT8B95AAAEStation Message Detail Recording 6 with North American Power Pack 
NT8B95AAAFStation Messaging Detail Recording 6 with Power Pack, French 
NT8B95ACStation Message Detail Recording 2 Interface Unit 
NT8B95AESMDR (Version 3) 
NT8B95AE-93SMDR (Version 3) 
NT8B95AGStation Message Detail Recording 4 
NT8B95AR-93Station Message Detail Recording 6 
NT8B98AAPower Supply - ATA, EATA, VMI 
NT8N95AN-93Station Message Detail Recording 5 
NTAB1210Modular ICS 110V Power Supply 
NTAB1223Doorphone w/Brass Faceplate 
NTAB1233Modular ICS Release 1/Centrex + Documentation Kit 
NTAB1305Digital Voice Card (DVC) for Release 1.x and 2.x Systems Only 
NTAB1306Norstar Voice Mail Release 1.X and 2.X 2 Channel Voice Mail Upgrade 
NTAB1321Secondary Hard Drive (37 hours) 
NTAB1322Applications Module Floppy Drive 
NTAB1323Applications Module Power Supply 
NTAB1324Applications Module Floor Mount Stand 
NTAB1325Applications Module SVGA Card 
NTAB1328Applications Module Color Monitor 
NTAB1329Applications Module Keyboard 
NTAB1330Applications Module Mouse 
NTAB1347CD-ROM Drive Kit English 
NTAB1348Voice Mail 2.0 540MB Primary Hard Drive for NAM I 
NTAB1405Release 1 CTX+ - Distribution Kit, English 
NTAB1406Release 1 CTX+ - Distribution Kit, French 
NTAB1448Centrex+ ROM 
NTAB1521XC Cable Management Kit Hardware 
NTAB1704Norstar Monitor Package 
NTAB1769PRELUDE 2.0 Optional Feature Pack 
NTAB1770PRELUDE Optional Feature Pack, French 
NTAB1771Cinphony I 2.0 Optional Feature Pack 
NTAB1772CINPHONY I Optional Feature Pack, French 
NTAB1773CINPHONY II 2.0 Optional Feature Pack 
NTAB1774CINPHONY II Optional Feature Pack, French 
NTAB1781ACD Wallboard Support Software 
NTAB1782ACD Wallboard Support Software, French 
NTAB1783ACD Automated Attendant 
NTAB1784ACD Automated Attendant, French 
NTAB1787Status Display Broadcast Box 
NTAB1788ACD Status Display Broadcast Box, French 
NTAB1789ACD 2.0 2-Channel Software Activation Key 
NTAB1791PRELUDE 2.0 to CINPHONY I 2.0 Upgrade 
NTAB17922.0 PRELUDE To 2.0 CINPHONY I Upgrade, French 
NTAB1793CINPHONY I 2.0 to CINPHONY II 2.0 Upgrade 
NTAB17942.0 CINPHONY 1 To 2.0 CINPHONY II Upgrade, French 
NTAB1795PRELUDE 2.0 Suite to CINPHONY I 2.0 Suite Upgrade 
NTAB17962.0 PRELUDE To 2.0 CINPHONY I Suite Upgrade, French 
NTAB1797CINPHONY I 2.0 Suite to CINPHONY II 2.0 Suite Upgrade 
NTAB17982.0 CINPHONY 1 To 2.0 CINPHONY II Suite Upgrade, French 
NTAB1829Global Fiber Cable Kit 
NTAB1848Dialogic D42NS Voice Card 
NTAB1849Norstar Applications Module Modem 
NTAB1855ACD Digital Voice Card with 2-Channel Software Activation Key 
NTAB1856Activation Key, French 
NTAB1869Analog Station Module Documentation Kit (E/S/F) 
NTAB1873Applications Module Printer 
NTAB1874CICS Installation Kit 
NTAB18843x8 DR5.1 Documentation Kit, English 
NTAB1885Power Supply/Documentation Kit - 3x8 DR5.1, English 
NTAB18863X8 DR5.1 Documentation Kit, French 
NTAB1887Power Supply/Documentation Kit - 3x8 DR5.1, French 
NTAB1888Modular DR5.1 Documentation Kit, English 
NTAB1891DR5.1 ROM w/packaging 
NTAB1988TSAPI - Software and PCIB Card 
NTAB2000Compact ICS Restricted to Standard Software Upgrade 
NTAB2001Compact ICS Internal Remote Access Device Upgrade 
NTAB2038Flash ACD Documentation Kit - English 
NTAB2039MINUET ACD Set Up Kit, English 
NTAB2047Minuet ACD Setup Kit, French 
NTAB2063Distribution Kit, English 
NTAB2064Distribution Kit, French 
NTAB2088Norstar Applications Module II Mezzanine SVGA Kit 
NTAB2089Voice Mail Primary Hard Disk Drive (70 hours) for Release 2.1 Only 
NTAB20908 MB EDO RAM Upgrade for Norstar Applications Module I and II 
NTAB2185Norstar Voice Mail 3.0 Primary Hard Drive for NAM II 
NTAB2186Norstar Voice Mail Manager 
NTAB220710 Seat License Option-Desktop Messaging, French 
NTAB2208Norstar Voice Mail 3.0 Desktop Messaging Client Installation Package 
NTAB2209Desktop Messaging Client Install Package, French 
NTAB2211Norstar Voice Mail Fax Package, English - For MS-BIC-Based Systems Only 
NTAB221225 Seat License Option-Desktop Messaging, French 
NTAB2214NAM Keyboard and Mouse Connector 
NTAB221550 Seat License Option-Desktop Messaging, French 
NTAB2218100 Seat License Option-Desktop Messaging, French 
NTAB222210 To 25 Seat Upgrade, French 
NTAB222626 To 50 Seat Upgrade, French 
NTAB223051 To 100 Seat Upgrade, French 
NTAB2261DS30/Station Port Adapter 
NTAB2273Computer Telephony Adapter 150i 
NTAB2280Norstar Voice Mail Secondary Hard Drive for NAM II 
NTAB2350Status Display for Windows 95/NT 
NTAB2435DS30/Station Port Adapter Power Supply 
NTAB2438NAM/IP Setup Package 
NTAB2447Bandwidth Allocation License (MICS 3.0 and Higher Software) 
NTAB2462Flash ACD Softkey Upgrade Kit, French 
NTAB2463Flash ACD Softkey Upgrade Kit 
NTAB2464Flash Voice Mail Softkey Upgrade Kit - English 
NTAB2465Flash Voice Mail Softkey Upgrade Kit, French 
NTAB2466Flash ACD Agent User Card & Keycap Kit - English 
NTAB2467Flash ACD Agent User Card And  Keycap Kit, French 
NTAB2468StarTalk Flash ACD Agent User Card & Keycap Kit - Spanish 
NTAB2476ACD 2 Channel Software Activation Key 
NTAB2477ACD 3.0 2 Channel Software Activation Key, French 
NTAB2478INFOCUS CLIENT Software - 1 License Package 
NTAB2479INFOCUS Client Software - 1 License Package, French 
NTAB2480INFOCUS CLIENT Software - 5 License Package 
NTAB2481INFOCUS Client Software - 5 License Package, French 
NTAB252916 MB EDO RAM Upgrade for Norstar Applications Module I and II 
NTAB2540Bandwith Allocation License, French 
NTAB2567USA XC MICS Upgrade Tool 
NTAB2568CDA MICS XC Upgrade Tool, French 
NTAB2569Modular ICS Upgrade Tool 
NTAB2582Voice Mail 4.0 Site Reference Kit - English 
NTAB2583Voice Mail 4.0 User Guide Kit - English 
NTAB2586Voice Mail 4.0 Site Reference Kit, French 
NTAB2587Voice Mail 4.0 User Guide Kit, French 
NTAB2590Voice Mail 4.0 Technical Reference Kit, English 
NTAB2591Voice Mail 4.0 Technical Reference Kit, French 
NTAB2602Voice Mail 2 Voice Channel Upgrade 
NTAB2603Voice Mail 4 Voice Channel Upgrade 
NTAB2604Voice Mail 6 Voice Channel Upgrade 
NTAB2605Voice Mail 8 Voice Channel Upgrade 
NTAB2606VPIM Digital Networking Software Option 
NTAB2608VPIM Digital Networking Documentation Kit 
NTAB2611Desktop Messaging 10 Seat License Option 
NTAB2618Desktop Messaging 25 Seat License Option 
NTAB261964 MB SDRAM Memory Upgrade, New SBC Only 
NTAB2620Desktop Messaging 50 Seat License Option 
NTAB2622Desktop Messaging 100 Seat License Option 
NTAB262332 MB SDRAM Memory Module, New SBC Only 
NTAB2624Desktop Messaging 25 to 50 Seat Upgrade 
NTAB2625Desktop Messaging 50 to 100 Seat Upgrade 
NTAB2628Norstar Voice Mail 4.0 Fax Documentation Kit 
NTAB2633Digital Fax Card Installation Kit 
NTAB2648Voice Mail AMIS Option - For Release 3.0 & 4.0 Systems 
NTAB2651AMIS Documentation Kit, Spanish 
NTAB2653Voice Mail 4.0 Primary Hard Drive for NAM IIg 
NTAB2666Audio Conferencing Unit 
NTAB2680Desktop Messaging 10 to 25 Seat Upgrade 
NTAB2752PRELUDE ACD Suite to CINPHONY I ACD Suite Upgrade 
NTAB2760ACD Setup Kit (Quick Reference Cards and Key Cap) 
NTAB2765MINUET ACD Software Documentation Kit 
NTAB2766Minuet Software Documentation Kit, French 
NTAB2767Station Message Detail Recording 6 
NTAB2769PRI Enabler 
NTAB2777TSP 2.0 5 Station License 
NTAB2778TSP 2.1 10 Station License 
NTAB2779TSP 2.1 25 Station License 
NTAB2780TSP 2.1 Unlimited Station License 
NTAB2802FastRAD Software Upgrade Tool 
NTAB2920Norstar Data Interface Installer Documentation Kit (English/French) 
NTAB2936Data Interface Cable v.35, M34 Female 
NTAB2937Data Interface RS-449 Cable 
NTAB2938Data Interface EIA-530A Cable 
NTAB2939Data Interface EIA-530/RS-232 Cable 
NTAB2940Data Interface Cable v.35, DB-44 Male 
NTAB2941Data Interface Cable v.35, LFH DB-60 Male 
NTAB2943Data Interface V.35 Bundle 
NTAB2956Caller Directed Routing, English 
NTAB2957Caller Directed Routing, French 
NTAB3098Data Interface Bay DB-44 Bundle 
NTAB3099Data Interface Cisco DB-60 Bundle 
NTAB3118CallPilot Unified Messaging - 1 
NTAB3181T7100 Global Stand Assembly - Charcoal 
NTAB3185T7208 Global Stand Assembly - Charcoal 
NTAB3188T7316 Global Stand Assembly - Charcoal 
NTAB3191T7100 Global Stand Assembly - Platinum 
NTAB3195T7208 Global Stand Assembly - Platinum 
NTAB3198T7316 Global Stand Assembly - Platinum 
NTAB3281Line Cord 14.4 Foot 
NTAB3282Handset Cord, 12 Foot, Ash 
NTAB3283Handset Cord, 12 Foot, Gray 
NTAB3284Handset Cord, 12 Foot, Black 
NTAB3285Handset Cord, 8.5 Foot, Ash 
NTAB3286Handset Cord, 8.5 Foot, Almond 
NTAB3287Handset Cord, 8.5 Ft., Black 
NTAB3288Shoulder Rest, Black 
NTAB3289Shoulder Rest, Ash 
NTAB3290Shoulder Rest, Gray 
NTAB3310Remote Administration Multi-Site License Agreement 
NTAB3311Remote Administration Authorized Copier Site License Agreement 
NTAB3385Norstar Voice Mail 4.1 Documentation Kit, English 
NTAB3386NVM 4.1 Doc Kit - French 
NTAB3387NVM 4.1 Doc and Client Software CD Package E/F/S 
NTAB3388NVM 4.1 Software Package - Bilingual 
NTAB3391NVM 4.1 Upgrade Package - English 
NTAB3408NVM 4.1 Upgrade Package - French 
NTAB3409NVM 4.1 Upgrade Reference Kit - English 
NTAB3410NVM 4.1 Upgrade Reference Kit - French 
NTAB3411NVM 4.1 Add-on Package - English 
NTAB3412NVM 4.1 Add-on Package - French 
NTAB3435CICS/MICS 6.1 User Doc CDROM - Tri 
NTAB3436MICS 6.1 Doc Kit - English 
NTAB3437MICS 6.1 Doc Kit - French 
NTAB3438MICS 6.1 Doc Kit - Spanish 
NTAB3439MICS 6.1 Distribution Kit - English 
NTAB3440MICS 6.1 Distribution Kit - French 
NTAB3441MICS 6.1 Distribution Kit - Spanish 
NTAB3442CICS 6.1 Doc Kit - English 
NTAB3443CICS 6.1 Doc Kit - French 
NTAB3444CICS 6.1 Documentation Kit - Spanish 
NTAB3445NRU 10.0 CDROM Package 
NTAB3510CICS 6.1 Demo Kit - USA and CALA 
NTAB3612T24 Key Indicator Module Installation Kit (ENG/FR/SP) 
NTAB3613T7100 Lens Kit - Charcoal 
NTAB3614T7208 Lens Kit - Charcoal 
NTAB3615T7316 Lens Kit - Charcoal 
NTAB3616T24 Key Indicator Module Lens Kit - Charcoal 
NTAB3617T24 Key Indicator Module Blank Label Sheet 
NTAB3618T7316 Documentation Bundle - French 
NTAB3619T7316 Documentation Bundle - Spanish 
NTAB3620T7316 Documentation Bundle - English 
NTAB4003Flash Voice Mail 2.0 Feature Cartridge (English/Spanish) 
NTAB4008Flash Voice Mail Documentation Kit 
NTAB4009Flash Voice Mail Quick Reference Guide Kit 
NTAB4010Flash Voice Mail Documentation Kit, French 
NTAB4011Flash Voice Mail Quick Reference Guide Kit, French 
NTAB4015Flash Voice Mail Light to StarTalk Flash Model Upgrade Kit 
NTAB4022Flash Voice Mail/ACD Cartridge Upgrade Kit, Canadian English
NTAB4206T7100 Lens Kit - Platinum 
NTAB4207T7208 Lens Kit - Platinum 
NTAB4208T7316 Lens Kit - Platinum 
NTAB4209T24 Key Indicator Module Lens Kit - Platinum 
NTAB9681T7406 Handset Paper Insert Package 
NTAB9682T7406 Rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride Battery 
NTAB9683T7406 Belt Clip 
NTAB9684T7406 AC Adapter 
NTAB9685T7406 Wrist Strap 
NTAB9696T7100/T7208/T7316 English Key Cap Kit 
NTAB9698T7406 Cordless Doc Kit - Trilingual 
NTAB9748T7100, T7208, T7316 French Key Cap Kit 
NTAB9817CP150 Release 1.5 Documentation CD 
NTAB9821CP150 Release 1.5 Card Package, English/Spanish 
NTAB9822CP150 Release 1.5 Card Package,  English/French 
NTAB9827BST Feature Decal English/French/Spanish (12 each) 
NTAB9846Personal Productivity Suite 2.1 CDROM Package 
NTAB9847CallPilot 150 Rls 1.5 Upgrade Kit 
NTAB9848Flash ACD Backup and Restore Utility Ugrade Kit Eng/Fre 
NTAB9849Flash VM Backup and Restore Utility Upgrade Kit Eng/Fre 
NTAB9850Flash ACD Backup and Restore Utility Upgrade Kit Eng/Spa 
NTAB9851Flash VM Backup and Restore Utility Upgrade Kit Eng/Spa 
NTAB9866CallPilot 100 Hardware Platform 
NTAB9879MINUET ACD 1.3, English 
NTAB9880MINUET ACD 1.3, French 
NTAB9902T7100 Documentation Bundle - French 
NTAB9903T7100 Documentation Bundle - Spanish 
NTAB9904T7100 Documentation Bundle - English 
NTAB9905T7208 Documentation Bundle - French 
NTAB9906T7208 Documentation Bundle - Spanish 
NTAB9907T7208 Documentation Bundle - English 
NTAB9908T7100/T7208/T7316 Blank Label Sheets 
NTBB02GA-93Modular ICS Fiber 2-Port Expansion Cartridge 
NTBB03GA-93Modular ICS Copper 2-Port Expansion Cartridge 
NTBB04GA-938 Port TCM Expansion Cartridge 
NTBB04GC-93Compact ICS Combination Services Cartridge 
NTBB04GD-93Compact ICS Services Cartridge 
NTBB06GA-93Modular ICS Fiber 6-Port Expansion Cartridge 
NTBB07GA-93Modular ICS Copper 6-Port Expansion Cartridge 
NTBB08GB-93Modular ICS NVRAM Cartridge 
NTBB20FB-93Fiber Trunk Module 
NTBB24GA-93Services Cartridge 
NTBB25GA-93Combination Fiber 6-port Services Cartridge 
NTBB26CA-93Data Interface 
NTBB33GA-93Computer Telephony Adapter 500 digital modem (CTA500dm) 
NTBB41FB-93Fiber Station Module 
NTBB43FA-93Integrated Data Module 200 Trilingual with English Documentation 
NTBB51CA-93Analog Station Module 
NTBB51CB-93Analog Station Module with Message Waiting Indication 
NTBB80AA-93Media Services Base Interface Card (MS-BIC) Package 
NTBB80AB-93Media Services Processor Expansion Card (MS-PEC) 
NTBB80AC-93Media Services Expansion Card 
NTBU0528Compact ICS Equipped with LS/DS Analog Trunk Cartridge 
NTBU0529Compact ICS Equipped with Caller Identification Trunk Cartridge 
NTBU0530Compact ICS Equipped with 2 Port U Interface BRI Cartridge 
NTBU0531Compact ICS Equipped with 4 Port U Interface BRI Cartridge 
NTBU0686Compact ICS Equipped with Caller Identification Trunk Cartridge 
NTBU0699CICS 6.1 with CallPilot 100 (10 mbx) 
NTBU0700CICS 6.1 with CallPilot 100 (10 mbx) 
NTBU0701CICS 6.1 with CallPilot 100 (26 mbx) 
NTBU0702CICS 6.1 with CallPilot 100 (26 mbx) 
NTBU0703MICS 6.1 NAM Upgrade Convenience Bundle - English 
NTBU0704MICS 6.1 XC NAM Upgrade Convenience Bundle - US 
NTBU0705MICS 6.1 XC NAM Upgrade Convenience Bundle - English, Canada 
NTBU0706CICS 6.1 Flash Upgrade Convenience Bundle - US 
NTBU0707MICS 6.1 Flash Upgrade Convenience Bundle 
NTBU0708CICS 6.1 Flash Upgrade Convenience Bundle - English, Canada 
NTBU0709MICS 6.1 Flash Upgrade Convenience Bundle - English, Canada 
NTBU0710CICS 6.1 Flash Upgrade Convenience Bundle - French, Canada 
NTBU0711MICS 6.1 Flash Upgrade Convenience Bundle - French, Canada 
NTBU0712MICS 6.1 w CallPilot 150 (32 Mbx) Bundle - Canada 
NTBU0713MICS 6.1 w CallPilot 150 (48 Mbx) Bundle - Canada 
NTBU0714MICS 6.1 w CallPilot 150 (32 Mbx) Bundle - US 
NTBU0715MICS 6.1 w CallPilot 150 (48 Mbx) Bundle - US 
NTKC0077Norstar Advanced Private Networking Option 
NTKC0091CallPilot Voice Messaging Mailboxes - 1 
NTKC0092CallPilot Voice Messaging Mailboxes - 4 
NTKC0093CallPilot Voice Messaging Mailboxes - 8 
NTKC0094CallPilot Voice Messaging Mailboxes - 16 
NTKC0095CallPilot Voice Messaging Mailboxes - 32 
NTKC0096CallPilot Voice Messaging Mailboxes - 64 
NTKC0097CallPilot Voice Messaging Mailboxes - Unlimited 
NTKC0103CallPilot 100/150 Basic Call Center Auth Code 
NTKC0104CallPilot 100/150 Basic Call Center Reporting Auth Code 
NTKC0105CallPilot 150 VPIM/AMIS Networking Auth Code 
NTKC0106CallPilot 150 Unified Messaging 1-Seat Auth Code 
NTKC0107CallPilot 150 Unified Messaging 4-Seat Auth Code 
NTKC0108CallPilot 150 Unified Messaging 8-Seat Auth Code 
NTKC0109CallPilot 150 Unified Messaging 16-Seat Auth Code 
NTKC0110CallPilot 150 Unified Messaging 32-Seat Auth Code 
NTKC0111CallPilot 150 Unified Messaging 64-Seat Auth Code 
NTKC0112CallPilot 150 Unified Messaging Unlimited Seat Auth Code 
NTMN20BA-66Replacement Handset for T7100/T7208/T7316 - Platinum 
NTMN20BA-70Replacement Handset for T7100/T7208/T7316 - Charcoal 
NTPW0000CallPilot 150 English/Spanish Standard Version 
NTPW0001CallPilot 150 English/Spanish Expanded Version 
NTPW0002CallPilot 150 English/French Standard Version 
NTPW0003CallPilot 150 English/French Expanded version 
NTPW0016Prelude 3.6 4-Channel System - English 
NTPW0017Prelude 3.6 4-Channel System - French 
NTPW0018Cinphony I 3.6 8-Channel System - English 
NTPW0019Cinphony I 3.6 8-Channel System - French 
NTPW0020Cinphony II 3.6 8-Channel System - English 
NTPW0021Cinphony II 3.6 8-Channel System - French 
NTPW0023NVM 4.1 Model 4 Bundle - English 
NTPW0024NVM 4.1 Model 6 Bundle - English 
NTPW0025NVM 4.1 Model 8 Bundle - English 
NTPW0026NVM 4.1 Model 10 Bundle - English 
NTPW0027NVM 4.1 Model 12 Bundle - English 
NTPW0028NVM 4.1 Model 14 Bundle - English 
NTPW0029NVM 4.1 Model 16 Bundle - English 
NTPW0031NVM 4.1 Model 4 Bundle - French 
NTPW0032NVM 4.1 Model 6 Bundle - French 
NTPW0033NVM 4.1 Model 8 Bundle - French 
NTPW0034NVM 4.1 Model 10 Bundle - French 
NTPW0035NVM 4.1 Model 12 Bundle - French 
NTPW0036NVM 4.1 Model 14 Bundle - French 
NTPW0037NVM 4.1 Model 16 Bundle - French 
NTPW0051CallPilot 100 Eng/Fr 
NTPW0052CallPilot 100 Eng/Sp 
NTPW0058NA,CALA-MICS-XC 6.1 S/W & Docs - English 
NTPW0059NA,CALA-MICS-XC 6.1 S/W & Docs - French 
NTPW0060USA-MICS-XC 6.1 S/W & Docs - English 
NTB64YUUSA-MICS 6.0 S/W & Docs - English 
NTPW0062NA-MICS-DR 6.1 S/W & Docs - English 
NTPW0063NA-MICS-DR 6.1 S/W & Docs - French 
NTPW0064NA-MICS-DR 6.1 S/W & Docs - Spanish 
NTPW0072CallPilot 150 Rel 1.5 Eng/Spa 
NTPW0073CallPilot 150 Rel 1.5 Eng/Fre 
P0603480CAP User Guide, English 
P0603481T24 Key Indicator Module Installation Card E/F/S 
P0603534Modular ICS 6.1 Installer Guide - English 
P0603535Modular ICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide - English 
P0603536Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record - English 
P0603537Modular ICS 6.1 Telephone Feature Card - English 
P0603538Modular ICS 6.1 Prime Telephone Card - English 
P0603539CICS 6.1 Installation Guide - English 
P0603544CICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide - English 
P0603545CICS 6.1 Programming Record- English 
P0603548Modular ICS 6.1 Installer Guide - French 
P0603549Modular ICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide - French 
P0603550Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record - French 
P0603551Modular ICS 6.1 Telephone Feature Card - French 
P0603553CICS 6.1 Installation Guide - French 
P0603554CICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide - French 
P0603555CICS 6.1 Programming Record- French 
P0603558Modular ICS 6.1 Installer  Guide - Spanish 
P0603559Modular ICS 6.1 System Coordinator  Guide - Spanish 
P0603560Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record - Spanish 
P0603561Modular ICS 6.1 Telephone Feature Card - Spanish 
P0603563CICS 6.1 Installation Guide - Spanish 
P0603564CICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide - Spanish 
P0603565CICS 6.1 Programming Record- Spanish 
P0604012CAP User Guide, French 
P0604013CAP User Guide, Spanish 
P0604162T24 Key Indicator Module Label Sheet (Blank) 
P0605239T7316 LABEL SHEET (BLANK) 
P0605240T7208 LABEL SHEET (BLANK) 
P0605241T7100 LABEL SHEET (BLANK) 
P0680235Feature Directory Cover 
P0680793Wall Mount Handset Clip (1 each, for all Meridian Digital Telephones) 
P0687376Last Number Key Caps 
P0687396Saved Number Redial Key Caps 
P0693059Conf/Transfer Key Caps 
P0693065Speed Dial Key Caps 
P0693637Faceplate Blank, English/French 
P0693638Cable Trough Door, Modular KSU and Trunk Module 
P0693645Door, Station Module 
P0693647Cable Management System, Station Module 
P0693648Cable Trough Door, Station Module 
P0698049Transfer Key Caps 
P0698666M7324 Programming Overlay 
P0698679Speed Dial Card 
P0698691M7324 User Card-Spanish 
P0705800Key Caps, Green 
P0705801Key Caps, Gray with Clear Window 
P0722175Modular ICS Release 1 - Centrex Programming Record 
P0722176Modular ICS Release 1 - Centrex Telephone Feature Card 
P0722178Modular ICS Release 1 - Centrex System Coordinator Guide 
P0722179Modular ICS Release 1 - Centrex Prime Telephone User Card 
P0723557Wall Mounting Bracket, Trunk Module 
P0723558Wall Mounting Bracket, Station Module 
P0728290Quick Reference Feature Card 
P0733822VMI System Coordinator Card 
P0736605Wall Mount Bracket, Modular ICS 
P0739316VMI Installation Guide 
P0745011Norstar Voice Mail User Guide, Spanish 
P0745014Norstar Voice Mail Convenience Card, Spanish 
P0746206Call Park Key Caps 
P0746207StarTalk Key Caps 
P0746208Music Key Caps 
P0746209Camp On Key Caps 
P0746210Line Pool Key Caps 
P0749852Telephone User Card, M7324 
P0800381DBN User Card, Spanish 
P0802746Doorphone User Card 
P0808703Doorphone Spare Stainless Steel Faceplate 
P0808704Doorphone Spare Brass Faceplate 
P08087553x8 DR5.1 Telephone Feature Card, Spanish 
P0830320Voice Mail Convenience Card - Spanish (10 sheets of 4 are included) 
P0833610ACD for Norstar User Guide 
P0839896Wall Mount Bracket, Analog Station Module 
P08426263x8 DR5.1 Installation Guide, English 
P08426273x8 DR5.1 System Coordinator Guide 
P08426283x8 DR5.1 Programming Guide, English 
P08426293x8 DR5.1 Feature Card 
P0842634Telephone Feature Card, French 
P0855601FastRAD Installation Guide 
P0855602FASTRAD Installation Guide (French) 
P0874537T7406 Leather Carrying Case - Standard 
P0876567T7406 Leather Carrying Case - Custom 
P0879209Errata Sheet 
P0880320INFOCUS Installation and User Guide 
P0880329Infocus Installation And User Guide, French 
P0886250Upgrade Tool Documentation 
P0888385SMDR6 Reference Installation Guide, English 
P0888386SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide, English 
P0888387Station Messaging Detail Recording 6 Installation Guide, French 
P0888388Station Messaging Detail Recording 6 System Coordinator Guide, French 
P0888637DFC Installation Guide - French 
P0911226PRELUDE and CINPHONY Suite ACD Installation Guide, English 
P0911227PRELUDE and CINPHONY Suite ACD User Guide, English 
P0911229PRELUDE and CINPHONY Suite ACD User Guide, French 
P0934437MINUET ACD System Administration Guide 
P0934438Minuet ACD System Administration Guide, French 
P0941589Modular ICS CAP User Card, Spanish 
P0944389ACD Installation Guide English 
P0944391ACD Installation Guide French 
P0944392ACD User Guide English 
P0944393ACD User Guide French 
P0992639Modular ICS Companion Installer Guide - English 
P0992641Modular ICS Companion System Coordinator Guide - English 
P0992644Modular ICS Companion Installer Guide - French 
P0992646Modular ICS Companion System Coordinator Guide - French 
P0992649Modular ICS Companion Installer Guide - Spanish 
P0992651Modular ICS Companion System Coordinator  Guide - Spanish 
P0993206Flash BRU Doc Eng 
P0993207Flash BRU Doc Fre 
P0993208Flash BRU Doc Spa 
P0993209Flash BRU Installation Doc Eng 
P0993210Flash BRU Installation Doc Fre 
SP022222Voice Mail Fax Option-Special Pricing #1, English/French 
SP022223Voice Mail Fax Option-Special Pricing #2, English/French 
SP032003Voice Mail Fax Option - Package #1 (DVC Card), French 
SP032004Voice Mail Fax Option - Package #2 (Keycode), French 
SPP222Voice Mail Fax Option - Special Pricing #1 
SPP223Voice Mail Fax Option - Special Pricing #2