Nortel Norstar T 7316 e Basic Speakerphone
The Nortel T 7316e speaker phone is the most widely used Norstar T Series Telephone. It can be programmed up to any combination of 16 lines or programmed features. If this is not enough buttons, up to seven KIM-24 24 button expansion modules can be added.
Why use the T7316e phone?
The Nortel T7316e provides the most functionality and flexibility. The phone has a two-line display so that caller ID or Voicemail message information will be displayed. The increase in cost over the price of the T7208 Telephone is a good investment over the lifetime of the phone. Having access to time-saving feature codes or speed dial buttons allows you to take advantage of the great features provided by your Norstar MICS, CICS or BCM Telephone system.